New Project Opportunities
For information regarding participation in new projects, please contact for budget and additional information.

Nepal Prevention of HIV/AIDS by Education and Skill
Women and children from Bishnumati area in Kathmandu are vulnerable to exploitation by drug and female prostitution traffickers. The Maoist insurgency has forced the migration from remote areas of Nepal into urban slums. There is a high incidence of illiteracy and poverty among these conflict-affected individuals and many resort to commercial sex work to survive. This population has a high incidence of HIV infection and those who are as yet uninfected are at high risk for acquisition and transmission of HIV.
- Provide education about HIV/AIDS, recreational drug use, trafficking in sex trade.
- Develop small scale income generating farming activities for small domestic livestock and various aspects of sewing skills.
- Motivate participants to be self-employed.
- Motivate commercial sex workers to get out of the trade by providing them with alternative skills and improving their social status.
- Prevent thousands of people from getting or causing HIV/AIDS per year.
- Selected women will get micro-credit for the purpose of the farming goats, chickens, and pigs. Animals of high breeds will be provided. The women will be managed to foster exchange of offspring of animals to other members of the community who were skipped during first distribution. This policy is similar to that used by Heifer International. Goats will be provided to 10 women, pigs to 5 women, and 25 chickens will be provided to each of 5 women.
- Skill training, such as
sewing and cutting, will be provided to 80 women, in groups 20, with the goal of self-employment and involvement in income generating programs. The skill training will continue for 1 year in 3-month intervals.
Target Groups
- Impoverished HIV+ women living in the rural area of Bishnumati, Kathmandu. Participants will be of both low economic status and the untouchable (Dalit) caste
- There are 150 families, usually with 5-7 children per family.
- Initially 80 women will receive sewing and cutting training. Almost 500 total family members of approximately 80 families will benefit. Approximately 20 conflict-affected and Dalit families will have direct employment in animal husbandry. Because of micro-credit and animal offspring given to other families, at least 150 families will benefit
Nepal Self-Sustaining HIV/AIDS Prevention and Counseling Clinic
Nepal is in the stage of concentrated epidemic of HIV infection. HIV infection is seen among intravenous drug users, women returning to Nepal from Indian brothels, male migrant workers returning from India and their wives, who are frequently seen in antenatal clinics Currently 60,000 - 100,000 people, typically between the ages of 19 and 39 years, are living with HIV/AIDS in Kathmandu. Many of them are concentrated in the outskirts of Kathmandu. Some are living in Bishnumati and adjoining area. Such people are depressed, with low self esteem, and do not take much interest with their lives. Many of the children of such parents are facing psychosocial problems in identifying their problems and working towards realistic solutions. Because of extremely poor economic conditions many have started working in the sex trade. A local clinic program is needed to provide education on HIV/AIDS, medical testing and counseling to all these groups as an outreach activity.
- Create basic outreach counseling services for HIV+ and other highly vulnerable people in the Bishnumati area.
- Stimulate for responsible behavior in preventing transmission of HIV/ AIDS.
- Improve self-esteem.
- Encourage networking with other NGOs
- Provide information on their health care
- Support the education of children who are with their mothers at their residential facility.
- Counseling, on an individual basis and in groups Pre and post HIV diagnosis counseling.
- Simple medical testing, plus testing referrals to Government testing/treatment facility.
- Referrals for antiviral treatment of HIV positive individuals.
- Referrals to maternity hospital for pregnant women.
- Free supply of Nevirapine to mothers and newborns to prevent maternal-fetal transmission.
- Provide information on AIDS, STD’s, drug abuse, and needles.
- Free distribution of condoms.
- Treatment of other basic medical problems of the people living with HIV/AIDS and their children.
Target Groups
- Individuals diagnosed with HIV/AIDS.
- Individuals who are vulnerable to HIV infection.
- Individuals who are HIV positive and likely to transmit infection to others.
- 500 clients/patients per month will be helped.
- Thousands of people per year will be prevented from getting or causing HIV/AIDS
If you wish to partner with LARAP in the development of one or both of these projects please click here for a budget and additional information.
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