Join Friends of LARAP Today!
You can make a difference in the fight against AIDS.
Your contribution to Friends of LARAP will make a difference by enabling the Rotary AIDS Project to continue to fund projects that will change attitudes and behaviors, educate others about AIDS, support those afflicted with the disease, and encourage Rotary involvement in the fight against AIDS.
Yes, I want to join Friends of RAP! Please fill out this form below, print it out and mail it along with your tax deductible donation to Rotary AIDS Project (a 501c3 corporation)
Enclosed is my check for (circle one): $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 $1,000 Other $ ______
Please make check payable to Rotary AIDS project and write Friends of LARAP on the bottom corner of the check and mail to:
Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project
PO Box 794
Los Altos, CA 94023
Please keep me informed about Rotary Aids Project programs and projects. __ Yes __ No
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