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A Video History of Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project

A compendium of videos describes the history and product of the Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project.

The video, The Los Altos Story resulted when the Los Altos Rotary Club confronted AIDS in 1989. Other videos document, in retrospect, the ways in which other Rotarians reacted and were changed by the crisis within the club.

The global reach of the Los Altos initiative was demonstrated at Rotary's International Conference in 1992, when Dude Angius was invited to share his experience in a keynote address.

For a closer look at Dude Angius' achievements and honors during his many years of public service as an educator, coach, principal, community leader and Rotarian, click here.


Beginning of LARAP - Mary Prochnow - Oct. 30, 2014

Mary Prochnow describes how the Los Altos Rotary Club was affected when, in 1989, several of the club's members' lives were touched by HIV/AIDS. (Approx. 4 min.)

Beginning of LARAP - Jean Newton Fragulia - Nov. 6, 2014

Jean Newton Fragulia introduces the showing of the "Los Altos Story" at the Rotary Club meeting on Nov. 6, 2014. She tells how she became involved in the project and what it means to her today. (Approx. 4 min.)

Beginning of LARAP - Dick Henning - Nov. 20, 2014

Dick Henning, Past President of the Los Altos Rotary Club, describes what happened in 1989 when two distinguished members of the Rotary Club revealed that their lives had been impacted by HIV/AIDS. In spite of the social stigmas that existed at the time, the Rotarians came together to create The Los Altos Story, a Peabody Award Winning film, that brought HIV/AIDS awareness to millions of people. (Approx. 4 1/2 min.)

Los Altos Story

The Los Altos Story is about real people, places, and events. An award--winning documentary, the film has touched the lives of millions with its message about HIV/AIDS. (Approx. 31 min.)

Rotary International 83rd Annual Convention

June 17, 1992 – Orlando, FL – Plenary Session IV - “The Rotary AIDS Project” Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project founder, Dude Angius, updates the story of how, in 1989, AIDS impacted his family and the upper suburban town of Los Altos, California. His 1992 keynote address at the Rotary International Convention, attended by over 19,000 Rotarians from around the world, received a standing ovation. (Approx. 45 min.)

Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project Twenty-Fifth Anniversary – Dec. 4, 2014

Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project, a tribute was held honoring Dude Angius and the "committee" who, in 1989, set out to bring AIDS awareness to the Rotary Clubs worldwide. (Approx. 80 min.)

NPR's Here and Now: Rotary Club is Still Fighting AIDS, 25 Years Later - aired July 9, 2015

On NPR's radio program "Here and Now," Robin Young pays tribute to the Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project. In this radio feature story, she recounts how a conservative Silicon Valley Rotary Club would seem an unlikely candidate to be at the forefront of AIDS education. (Approx. 11 min.)

Los Altos Rotary Meeting - Aug. 20, 2015

Los Altos High School alumnus presents a magnificent check recognizing the efforts Dude Angus' leadership and the RAP committee in establishing the Los Altos Rotary AIDS Project (LARAP) in 1989. (Approx. 25 1/2 min.)


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